


1.) 我的倉鼠布魯斯的睡相有點怪。

Bruce, my hamster, is weird. Here's he sleeping. from r/aww

2.) 回家後看到我的狗狗等在那裡望著牠的球他的球。看似很近,卻又很遠呀!

Came home and found my dog waiting like this from r/funny

3.) 我今天在浴室裡發現了一迷路的海豹。

Found a loose seal in my bathroom

4.) 朋友的貓一直做這個動作...

so my friends cat does this...

5.) 他們每天同一個時間都在樓梯上排隊。

They do this every day at the same time. from r/aww

6.) 這一定是真愛!

Bunny kisses :3

7.) 在割完草後,讓白狗進入花園裡會發生什麼事?

What if I decide to let my white dog out after I mow my lawn? from r/Whatcouldgowrong

8.) 我的貓喜歡坐在電飯鍋旁邊,聞著剛煮出來白飯的香味。

My Japanese cat loves to sit near my rice cooker and smell the steam of freshly cooked rice

9.) 別的小狗都為主人帶來一根棍子,而我的小狗卻為我帶來了草和泥土。

My dog brought me some dirt today from r/aww

10.) 今天下班回家時,發現我的貓不僅讓入侵者不知所措,還直接把它丟進了馬桶。

Came home after work to discover my cat had killed and cleanly disposed of an intruder.

11.) 這位倉鼠小牧師到底在對他的聽眾說什麼?

Hamster preaching to his people

12.) 每當外面有雪時,都會有一場巴黎時裝秀!

After a walk through the snow, Arlo is ready for Paris fashion week. from r/WhatsWrongWithYourDog

13.) 牠拖著所有可愛的玩具到鏡子前,以便讓 “鏡子裡的狗” 也有玩具玩。

She brought all her toys over so the mirror doggy could play with them from r/pics

14.) 這是我的寄居蟹,牠喜歡爬倉鼠的輪子。

Hermit crab on a hamster wheel because why not?

15.) 我的狗狗認為牠必須排隊等待領取獎賞。

He thinks he has to wait in line to get a treat!


縮圖: © Reddit/jenniferrorr © Reddit/sunshinyanny

