


1. 這是我和我弟弟的最後一張合照。他在幾天後被謀殺,當時他只有17歲。我非常想念他!

This is the last picture of my brother and I, taken days before he was murdered this February. He was only 17.. I miss him terribly. from r/lastimages

2. 我的母親,攝於1986年復活節。她當時因癌症未期住在醫院。她於當年七月去世,但這是她最後一次拍照。我當時只有2 歲半。

My mother, Easter 1986. Hospitalized with terminal cancer. She died in July but this was the last time she let herself be photographed. (I was 2 1/2). from r/lastimages

3. 我的好友從9樓跌落而去世前的最後一張照片。

Last photo of friend who fell nine stories to his death from r/lastimages

4. 我的奶奶自豪地向客人介紹她自己準備的美食。9分鐘後,我們不得不打電話叫救護車。

My grandma shows off with his preparations for her guests. Exactly 9 minutes before we call ambulance. RIP. from r/lastimages

5. 我的一位同事上週六死於癌症。當我的老闆昨天拿回公司電話時,她已經刪除了手機上所有的資料,只剩下這張照片。

A woman at my work passed away last Saturday from cancer. When my boss picked up her work phone yesterday she had deleted all of its content except for this picture. from r/pics

6. 我的弟弟 (左) 在本月初自殺。這是我們兩個人的最後一張照片,完美地描述了我們之間的關係。

My brother(left) took his life earlier this month. This is the last photo of us together, perfectly describing the relationship we had. from r/lastimages

7. 我父親在醫院死於肺氣腫,正在閱讀我小時候製作的反吸煙手冊。

My dad, in the hospital dying of emphysema, reading an anti-smoking pamphlet I made him when I was a kid. from r/lastimages

8. 這是我最好的朋友Tara (24歲) 和她的妹妹Pippa (21歲) 的最後一張照片,她們結束了為期三個月的摩洛哥之旅時拍攝了這張照片。一天後,兩人在返回英國的途中死於一場車禍。他們當時準備回家,為母親慶祝生日。

The last image of my best friend Tara (24) and her sister Pippa (21), taken at the end of a 3month trip around Morocco. They both died a day later, in a car accident, as they started their journey back home to the UK for their mum's birthday. from r/lastimages

9. 這是我兒子的最後一張照片。拍照後5分鐘後死於潛水時體內氧氣供應不足,時間是2017年9月4日下午3:12。

My son's last photo - died 5 mins later due to Shallow Water Black out on Sept 4th, 2017, 312 pm from r/lastimages

10. 我最好的朋友 (左) 和我一起最後的合照。兩個星期後,我們遭到襲擊,他因心臟被刺傷而致死。

My best friend (left) and myself for our last ride together. Two weeks after that day we got mugged and he died knifed to the heart. from r/lastimages

11. 我在3月11日拍了我祖母睡覺打呼的照片。我當時不知道她會在12天後過世。

i took this photo on march 11 of my grandma napping; little did i know she would pass just 12 days later. from r/lastimages

12. 我的母親為唯一的孫子唸書時所拍攝的最後一張照片。酒精引起的胰腺炎於3月26日將她帶走。

The last photo ever taken of my mother. Reading to her only grandchild. Alcohol induced pancreatitis took her on March 26th. from r/lastimages

13. 母親去世後不久,我在Google Earth上看著她的房子。那是她!我仍然感到全身發寒。

Shortly after my mother passed away I decided to look up her house on Google Earth. That's her. Still gives me chills. from r/lastimages

14. 這是我的弟弟,今年5月20日自殺。他是個非常好、非常可愛的人。我對他的愛無法用世界上的任何言語來形容,但我知道我將永遠想念他。

My baby brother who took his life on May 20th of this year. He was such a very kind and sweet person no words can’t express how much I loved him, but I know I’ll miss him dearly. from r/lastimages

15. Rachel Scott和Nick Baumgart在1999年的一場舞蹈比賽中的照片。當時,Rachel才17歲,兩天後她在哥倫拜恩高中 (Columbine High School) 被槍殺。那天晚上她看起來好可愛。

Rachel Scott and Nick Baumgart on prom night, 1999. Rachel, 17 at the time - was shot and killed two days later at Columbine High School. She looked beautiful that night. from r/lastimages

16. 2016年2月3日,我父親死於腦瘤。這張照片是我回大學前拍攝的。3天後他走了,這是我最後一次見到他。

February 3rd 2016, my dad passed away from a brain tumour. This photo was taken the day I went back to University. He died 3 days later. It was the last time I saw him. from r/lastimages

17. 我最好的朋友 (右) 和我的畢業照。他於5年後,我在部隊服役期間,死於用藥過量,享年19歲。我很想念他。

My best friend (right) in the whole world from childhood on graduation day. He overdosed 5 years ago from today when we were 19 and i was away in the Army. I miss him so much. from r/lastimages

18. 感恩節最後一次見到媽媽。她於12月7日在來看我的路上喪生,她當坐在哥哥的車子裡。突然心臟病發作前,她在車裡快樂地唱歌跳舞。我很想念她。

Last time I saw my mom, Thanksgiving. She passed away on her way to see me December 7th in the passenger seat of my brothers car. She was singing and dancing in the car and had a heart attack. I miss her so much. from r/lastimages


縮圖: © Reddit/itssydneyy


Bored Panda,

縮圖: © Reddit/itssydneyy

