


1. 這棵樹就這樣 “吞下” 了路標。

The way this tree grew to swallow a sign from r/mildlyinteresting

2. 滴落到沙子上的血,看起來像紅血球。

The way these blood drops formed in the sand look like the red blood cells that make them up. from r/mildlyinteresting

3. 專業溜溜球選手的手。食指看起來似乎幾乎沒有血液。

4. 這就是為什麼不該沒載安全帽騎車的原因。

This is why you wear a helmet

5. 我不小心沒把冰箱冷凍庫的門關好。過了幾個月後,在搬家前幾天發現了它。變成這樣的結果,讓我感到驚訝。

I left the deep freezer door sightly cracked by accident and didn't use it for a few months, was rewarded with this a few days before moving out. from r/Wellthatsucks

6. 把樹種在太小或太高的花盆時,會發生這種情況。

A tree that was in a plastic pot for too long. Died a few years after planting. from r/mildlyinteresting

7. 碳粉盒上標示 "請勿傾斜"。我確實傾斜了。你可以看到我當時是站在右邊。

The waste toner cartridge said DO NOT TILT. I did tilt. You can see where I was standing on the right from r/Wellthatsucks

8. 壁爐的煙灰把蜘蛛網染成黑色。

How the smoke from our fire pit colored these spiderwebs black from r/mildlyinteresting

9. 我忘在車上的未開罐的汽水,因為太熱而爆炸了。

Left an unopened can of lemonade in my car, it was so hot that it exploded. from r/mildlyinteresting

10. 雷擊把泥土變成玻璃了。

A chunk of dirt that was struck by lightning and turned to glass from r/mildlyinteresting

11. 訓練有素的幼蟲。

These little critters are lit🔥🔥 from r/NatureIsFuckingLit

12. 各佔一方的黑色和白色松鼠。

A black squirrel and an albino squirrel eating together in harmony. from r/mildlyinteresting

13. 我在屋外放了蠟燭。收集了雨水後,又在陽光下融化了,結果雨水就往下沉。

Left a candle outside. It collected rainwater which sank to the bottom after the wax was melted by the sun. from r/mildlyinteresting

14. 我將葡萄乾浸泡在熱水中一夜,讓它回復原貌。

I rehydrated a raisin by leaving it in hot water overnight! from r/mildlyinteresting

15. 這塊地毯也太舊了吧!幾乎看不見它的存在。

This rug is so well worn it's almost invisible. from r/Wellworn

16. 啃書蟲確實存在!這本書就是明顯的證據。

This book, published in 1787, being devoured by Curculionidae larvae, commonly known as bookworms. from r/mildlyinteresting

17. 我在櫃子裡放了鹽酸幾個月,櫃子上的鉸鏈逐漸被侵蝕。

I’ve stored hydrochloric acid in this cabinet for a few months now and it has started to dissolve the hinge it sits by. from r/mildlyinteresting

18. 當整個夏天都穿著同一件T恤時,就會發生這種情況。

My Grandpa mows the yard every week with the same grey shirt that has Yamaha written on the back with black letters. My Grandma just noticed this last week. from r/funny

19. 使用幾年後,這根貓爬柱變成了貓抓棒了。

This old cat scratching post from r/Wellworn

20. 一隻蜘蛛從塵土飛揚的天花板上掉到我的桌子上,留下了完美的拓印。

A spider fell on my desk from a dusty ceiling and left a perfect outline of its body from r/mildlyinteresting


縮圖: © Reddit/mare_incognitum © Twitter/Lindsey Fitzharris

