
擁抱不僅可以使人快樂,還可以使人保持健康!經由觸摸,被稱為「愛的荷爾蒙」的催產素就會被釋放出來,它可以減輕壓力、恐懼感和侵略性。 擁抱也會產生熱量,進而使血管變寬,增加血液循環,進而為人體提供更好的氧氣,並增強免疫系統。 


1.) 長得像拇指姑娘的松鼠

My wife getting a hug from a baby squirrel that she's taking care of. from r/pics

2. 兩隻獲救的貓相擁入睡

My friend recently got 2 kittens. She sent a photo of them hugging each other while sleeping. This made my day and I hope it makes yours too :) from r/aww

3. 「我把小狗帶到附近的療養院後,牠立即找到新朋友。」

I took the new pup to the nursing home next door. They instantly became best friends. from r/aww

4. 一切盡在不言中

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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Zucca & Mikka (@cilibunny) am

5. 馬兒之吻

My niece, who happens to have a heart of gold, only asked for a few things for Christmas. One of them was peppermints for the neglected horse who lives across the street. Today we spent some time with Slim and I grabbed this shot. from r/aww

6. 相親相愛的一對

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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Pumpkin The Raccoon (@pumpkintheraccoon) am

7.  懂得享受好時光的牛

This is Aretha, a rescue cow. She groomed my legs with her tongue then fell asleep. She’s a good girl. from r/aww

8. 我的手是小貓咪的抱枕

My new adopted kitten fell asleep hugging my hand. from r/aww

9. 再大的貓也同樣會互表愛意

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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Kevin Richardson LionWhisperer (@lionwhisperersa) am

10. 「每當我回家時,我的狗總是熱情地擁抱我。」

©Imgur/Stephanie Reimer

11. 有這樣的驢子,誰不會一眼就愛上牠。

My niece’s miniature donkey “Boopy”. from r/aww

12. 負鼠也是充滿著愛

Clementine, reminding everyone that ALL animals Love, and Love to be Loved !! (Rescued Virginia Opossum) from r/aww

13. 好像很好吃的樣子

He likes to monch from r/aww

14. 照顧小雞的狗

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Ein Beitrag geteilt von 𝑅𝑒𝓃𝑒𝑒 | 𝐹𝑒𝓂𝒶𝓁𝑒 𝐹𝒶𝓇𝓂𝑒𝓇 (@mountainwoodsfarm) am

15. 好朋友的吻

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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Shamarra Alpaca Farm (@shamarra_alpacas) am


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