
有些人不喜歡照鏡子,因為他們對自己的外觀不滿意,且不想被提醒。 扁扁的鼻子,過於豐滿的身材或大耳朵...等,一堆不滿意的器官和體型。


1. 3年6個月是可以發生很多變化的。

2. 17歲的他(左邊)應該沒料到2年後的他會變成這樣吧!

3. 2張照片相隔了4年。“

4 years between the photos. Used to really dislike how I looked but slowly and bit by bit I started to treat myself a lil nicer, didn't realize the difference till I saw it like this. from r/uglyduckling

4. 再多個幾年,減少幾公斤,就會有所不同。

5. 鬍鬚讓人看起來很聰明。

6. 根本是不同人吧!

7. 16歲和20歲,4年讓他整個像是變了一個人。

16 to 20. What a difference 4 years make from r/uglyduckling

8. 她在短短兩年內完成了這一轉變。

F/22/5'5 [160-125lbs = 35lbs] (20 monthss) 1 year to lose the weight, 1 year of maintenance. Same phone and headphones! from r/progresspics

9. 體重減輕了一半:“我不會再減輕體重了,因為現在醫生認為我非常健康。且我終於有了下巴!”

F/21/5’8 [309lbs > 159lbs = 150lbs lost] 15 months - My final post to this sub! Face gains! I’ve decided to stop actively trying to lose weight now and focus on maintaining after being told by the doctor that I’m healthy all round! It’s so nice to have my jawline back FINALLY ❤️ from r/progresspics

10. 左:十九歲。右:二十一歲。

19 to 21 😬 from r/uglyduckling

11. 猜猜看,她瘦了多少!

F/38/5'7" [408 > 188 = 220] (25 Months, Varied) Found a TRUE Before Pic, Face Gains, Mission Goal Weight in 2018 from r/progresspics


M/27/6’0 [330lbs > 165lbs = 165lbs] (2 years, 6 months) Undoing 20 years of McDonald’s and Cherry Coke. from r/progresspics

© Imgur via Reddit/MikeN300


照片來源: © Facebook/ Green Life Center



Vorschaubild: © Facebook/ Green Life Center

