


1. 我才轉身一分鐘,牠就尿尿到20杯還沒煮的米裡。

Turned my back for a minute and she peed in 20 cups of uncooked rice... from r/Wellthatsucks

2. 有人的指甲卡在電梯按鈕上。

Someone's nail got stuck in the elevator button from r/Wellthatsucks

3. 如果你住在挪威的最北方的島上,卻又忘記了關書房的窗戶。

When you live in Svalbard, Norway and forgot to close the window to the home office from r/Wellthatsucks

4. 猜猜今晚誰不洗澡!

Guess who's not taking a shower tonight from r/Wellthatsucks

5. 我今天從這家擁有500多名員工的公司,工作了5年後離職。而這是給我的祝福卡片:

I'm leaving my job after 5 years today, over 500 people I work with, this is my leaving card. from r/Wellthatsucks

6. 在發生工作事故後,我失去了兩根手指。而那天我剛好收到新買的吉他。

Losing 2 fingers in a work-related accident on the day my new guitar arrived. from r/Wellthatsucks

7. 各位女士、先生請注意:頭上有染髮劑,不能直接沖澡,否則...

“2021 Dad of the Year” ladies and gentlemen. I told her to shower, instead of rinse her hair out, right after dying it. from r/Wellthatsucks

8. 該是下定決心的時候了!

So... How are your New Year’s resolutions coming? from r/Wellthatsucks

9. 我的女朋友今天23歲。

Today my GF is 23 from r/Wellthatsucks

10. 這禮物爺爺已經有了,而且在他打開包裝盒時正穿在身上。

Not only did grandpa already have this shirt, he was wearing it when he unwrapped it. from r/Wellthatsucks

11. 丈母娘邀請我們去吃晚餐。其實是一個陷阱!

In-laws invited us over for dinner; it was a trap from r/Wellthatsucks

12. 我的信箱昨晚被雷打到了。

My mailbox was blown up by lightning last night from r/Wellthatsucks

13. 我太太說我應該測量門的大小,但我告訴她,所有的門都是一樣的尺寸…

My wife said measure the door, I told her all doors are the same size... from r/Wellthatsucks

14. 上週我14歲的狗死了、我生病了、我爸爸進行了緊急心臟手術,而今天我休假,早上醒來等著我的是這個。

In the past week, my dog of 14 years died, I’ve been sick, my dad had emergency heart surgery, and this is what I woke up to on my day off. from r/Wellthatsucks

15. 這個人去紋了和被他收養小狗身上一樣的紋身,卻不知道這是代表 “已結紮" 的意思。

Man gets a tattoo he found on his pup, not knowing it means he's neutered from r/Wellthatsucks

16. 我叔叔今晚發現,他滿懷愛心照顧了六年的所有錦鯉,在夜間我們睡著的時候,因為斷電死了。

My uncle just found out this evening that all of his kois that he took care for 6 years all died due to a power outage that happened last night when everyone was sleeping. from r/Wellthatsucks

17. 我爸爸的舊卡車被另一輛載有爛馬鈴薯的卡車撞了。而當時副駕駛座的車窗是開著的...

My dad's old truck got hit by a truck carrying old rotten potato slurry to a feed lot for cows. His passenger window was down.... from r/Wellthatsucks


縮圖: ©Reddit/TheLoxFox



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