
每位狗主人都知道,身為毛小孩的最好朋友,你經常會不自覺的微笑。 無論牠們是可愛、愚蠢、動人還是瘋狂的,牠們都是天生的喜劇演員。

1. 牠每天都會坐在我家樓梯上汪汪叫,直到我打開門叫牠。但牠不是我的狗。

Hig will sit on my steps and howl until I open the door and acknowledge him. Also Hig is not my dog. from r/aww

2. 我幾乎每天都會經過這隻兇猛的動物。

I walk by this vicious animal almost everyday!

3. 我告訴我4歲的孩子,把我們的新小狗放到牠的床上。

We got a new puppy yesterday. I asked my 4 year old to put him to bed. This is what I came back to from r/aww

4. 不管如何,都要好好的享受生活。

No matter what; life is meant to be enjoyed. from r/pics

5. 這就是被救援的狗的表情。

This is what dog rescue looks like.

6. 多年來,狗狗與小主人的體型比例成正比。

The ratio of dog to boy stayed constant from r/aww

7. 牠為自己的綠色領結感到很驕傲。

He looks so proud in his little bow tie. Hi world, my name is Spike. from r/aww

8. 這隻名叫豆腐的狗狗,找到了自己的家人了。

9. 好一對好鄰居。


10. 迪士尼公主不一定總是人類。

Our boxer made a new friend today. from r/aww

11. 我還沒有見過我的鄰居,但是他們的狗已經愛上我了。

I haven’t met my new neighbor yet, but her dogs love me from r/aww

12. 做得好。

Nice Job from r/funny

13. 最棒的伴郎。

The Best Boy

14. 當你晚上派對的太瘋了,隔天早上,你必須要清理一下。

When you partied too hard last night, now you gotta clean up the litter the next morning from r/aww

15. 所有的棍子都是我的。

I bOuGHT yOu PhTIck


照片來源: © Reddit/shittymorph


Bored Panda,

Vorschaubild: © Reddit/shittymorph

