

The Healing Power Of Humanity

"In honor of the #GreatKindnessChallenge, we asked Glendale Unified School District middle school students to create and submit videos illustrating kindness from their point of view. We are proud to share the winning video... "Kindness: You Are All That I Needed" - Directed/Produced/Written/Edited by Daniel Tweedy from Rosemont Middle School! Our congratulations to all the participating student teams from Rosemont, Roosevelt, Wilson, and Toll Middle Schools. Thank you for teaching us the healing power of humanity." #LoveWhatMattersVideo courtesy of Daniel Tweedy and Dignity Health Glendale Memorial Hospital and Health Center

Posted by Love What Matters on Dienstag, 5. April 2016

Daniel Tweedy ---影片中飾演推倒男孩的其中一名學生,事實上也是這部影片的製作人。他贏得了一場主題為描述人性與善良的影片競賽。這93秒影片只是想透漏一個簡單的訊息:一個微小的幫助、一個平凡、善良的展現,都有可能改變別人的一天,帶來奇蹟似的治癒力量。而你終究會有所回報的。與大家共勉之!

