


1.) 我無法對我的狗說不。因為每當我說不時,牠都會這樣做,這讓我很難過。

2.) 時間的演變。

Where does the time go? from r/aww

3.) 我今天過得很糟糕,這隻狗走到我等公車的地方坐在我旁邊, 安慰著我。從那時起,我那天過很順利。

I was having a bad day and this dog walked to my bus stop, sat on the bench and asked me for pets. I'm now having a good day. from r/aww

4.) 我90歲的鄰居已經好多年沒有溜狗了。這就是為什麼我自願這樣做。我為Buddy的減肥感到驕傲。

My 90yo neighbor hasn’t walked her dog in years so I volunteered to do it for her. So proud of Buddy’s weight loss!!! from r/aww

5.) 我未來的丈夫和我的狗發生了很棒的事。

My husband-to-be and my doggo have this great thing going on. from r/aww

6.) 我15歲的狗想去公園。但因為牠年紀大了,所以我把牠帶到了這裡。到達公園後,牠坐在那裡享受陽光。我永遠的愛牠。

My little girl who is 15 years old wanted to go to the park today, she's a bit too old so I carried her down there, when we got there this is how she sat enjoying the sunshine. Love her to bits! from r/aww

7.) 我住在一個農場。我養的雞都想待在同一地方。前幾天,我發現我的狗也在那裡。

8.) 我是動物收容所的志工,我熱愛看狗狗找到新家的照片。這張讓我微笑了。

I volunteer for a dog rescue, we love seeing updates of the dogs in their new homes. This one made me smile! from r/aww

9.) 從大火中救出的狗狗,現在成了一名消防員。

A Puppy Saved From A Fire Becomes A Firefighter from r/aww

10.) Hig總是坐在我家門口樓梯前然後大叫,直到我打開門並注意到牠。對了,牠不是我的狗。

Hig will sit on my steps and howl until I open the door and acknowledge him. Also Hig is not my dog. from r/aww

11.) 昨晚,在我去音樂會的路上,有樣東西跑到了我車前。不用說,我錯過了音樂會,但也有了一隻新狗。

Headed to a concert last night when something ran in front of my car. Needless to say I missed the concert and now have a new dog. from r/aww

12.) 你以為死在火場中的狗,從廢墟中出現的那一刻。

The moment your dog comes out of the fire you thought he died in. from r/pics

13.) 我在德州西部的油田發現了這隻小狗。我叫牠Dobby。

Puppy I found in the oilfields of West Texas. Named him Dobby from r/aww

14.) 在希臘的這家咖啡館,每晚都會將門打開,以便流浪狗有一個溫暖的地方待。

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15.) 因為離婚,我和我兩個甜心已分開兩年多。今天我前夫給了我一隻九歲的男孩!

My boys were separated for two years due to a divorce. My ex agreed today that I can keep my 9 year old boy!!! from r/aww


Vorschaubild: ©Twitter/GrizzlySZN



Vorschaubild: ©Twitter/GrizzlySZN

