

1. 偷吃完草莓醬,是時候小睡一下了。

Just taking a nap after eating all the strawberry jam

2. 我的狗偷吃了洗碗刷的頭。

My dog stole the head of a dish brush. from r/AnimalsBeingDerps

3. 雪融化之後,就發現了襪子不見的秘密。

And with the melting snow, the Mystery of the Missing Socks was solved. from r/pics

4. 這是比利。牠從不了解為什麼我開車時總是必須帶鑰匙,而她卻沒有。在我給了牠專屬的鑰匙後,每次只要坐車時,牠總是隨身攜帶。牠堅持這一點。

This is Billie. She never understood why I had a set of keys to bring in the car and she didn't. I got her a set of her own and now she insists on bringing them anytime we go for a drive! from r/aww

5. 我的15歲的吉娃娃,因虹膜萎縮所以眼睛非常的敏感。她必須戴著護目鏡。每小時我都會笑著看著這張照片。希望不僅僅是我。

My 15 year old Chihuahua has very sensitive eyes due to iris atrophy. Here she is in her "doggles." I smile at this photo on an hourly basis. Hope it has the same effect for others. from r/aww

6. 我也要保持美好的體態。


7. 我的狗今年16歲了。因此,我認為是時候教牠開車了。書的封面上寫著:如何教狗開車。

My dog is 16, so I figured it’s time for some driving lessons

8. 什麼?你們不打算讓我一起拍?

What? You're not going to include me? from r/AnimalsBeingDerps

9. 我是隻怪物。

Im a MONSTERR!!!! from r/aww

10. 我的朋友在這扇門上鑽了一些洞,這樣拉布拉多Gus就能看到和聞到。

My friend made holes in his gate so Gus the Labrador can see and sniff from r/funny

11. 完美的地方。

The perfect spot from r/aww

12. 適合。

It fits from r/funny

13. 都一樣。

Same same from r/aww

14. 果真是親身的。

That's a lotta derps from r/AnimalsBeingDerps

15. 完美的刺青是不存....。

The perfect tattoo doesn’t exi... from r/aww

16. 我狗狗一年前。

My pup a year ago from r/aww


照片來源: © Imgur/esberat © reddit/u/superTrolle1

