


1. 我朋友來自一個非常貧窮的家庭,他夢想有這個神奇寶貝午餐盒已經18年了。這次他的生日,我送了他這個……他哭了很久。

A birthday gift

2. 這是我跟女友求婚的照片,我發現照片裡面有顆心。

Proposed to my girlfriend and realized there is a heart in our shadows from r/pics

3. 1995年,我的曾祖母給了我一隻毛絨貓,那是我最喜歡的可愛玩具。它每晚都睡在我身邊。我姑姑去世後,我們發現她也有一隻一模一樣的毛絨貓。多年的喜愛留下了他們的印記。

In 1995, my great-aunt gave me a stuffed cat. It was my absolute favorite, and slept with me every night through my childhood. When she passed, we found out she had bought an identical cat and kept it in pristine condition for two decades. The years of love certainly left their mark. from r/pics

© Imgur via Reddit/connguy

4. 這位丹麥人,常常約孤單寂寞的人一起聚會。

Why I invited 100+ strangers into my home in 2017

5. 我從未見過罹患自閉症的妹妹如此耀眼。她終於和某人連結了。牠叫Fuzzy。

I've never seen my autistic sister light up this way before. She finally connected with someone, his name is Fuzzy. from r/aww

6. 有天晚上,這個人在超市前,向有興趣的人免費介紹土星。

This guy was outside of Walmart tonight from r/HumansBeingBros

© Imgur via Reddit/sbook29

7. 一位墨西哥流浪樂隊的音樂家,讓我聽力有問題的兒子,將他的頭靠在他的吉他上,這樣我兒子就可以聽到音樂了。我兒子很興奮。

A mariachi musician let my hard of hearing son put his head on the guitarron so he could hear it. He was amazed! from r/HumansBeingBros

8. 這名土耳其女孩背著一隻剛生下寶寶的山羊,她的狗則背著小山羊寶寶。

Turkish girl carrying a goat on her back that just gave birth and her dog carrying the baby. Rize, Turkey from r/HumansBeingBros

9. 由於外面太冷了,一名員工讓這隻流浪狗在商店的櫥窗裡睡覺。

Dog sleeping in a window display in turkey. Store workers let him stay the whole time because it was so cold outside. from r/HumansBeingBros

10. 上面寫著:如果你會冷拿一件。如果你想幫忙,放一件。

Seen in Leicester Square, London from r/HumansBeingBros

11. 今天,我幫助地鐵上的這位女士將行李抬上樓梯。她為此給了我兩根香蕉,每層樓梯一根香蕉。

Today, I helped this lady with her luggage up the subway stairs and was rewarded with two bananas, one for each set of stairs. from r/HumansBeingBros


照片來源: © Imgur/stevienred



Vorschaubild: © Imgur/stevienred

