


1. 與眾不同的曬痕。

Tan lines next level from r/Wellthatsucks

2. 我需要7號半,但這是剩下的最後一盒。

I needed a 7.5, and this was the only box left. from r/Wellthatsucks

3. 微波爐和火爐二合一了!

My microwave exploded... fml from r/Wellthatsucks

4. 需要筆記型電腦才能上課,但Windows讓你的生活變得地獄。

Thanks Windows from r/Wellthatsucks

5. 看起來我得明天才來。

I think its gonna take a while from r/Wellthatsucks

6. 這應該會是有趣的一天。

How any good day starts from r/Wellthatsucks

© Imgur via Reddit/benhize

7. 我花了很長時間才清除掉衣服上的醬汁。但我發現我把它掛在浴室骯髒的桿子上晾乾,真不是一個明智的決定。

removed a bbq sauce stain from a shirt only to get a new one from the shower rod I hung it on to dry from r/Wellthatsucks

© Imgur via Reddit/adisonbesot

8. 我在洗澡時,我的小狗又把他所有早餐吐出來了。掃地機器人立刻開始清潔,但這一次恐怕要失敗了。 

While I was in the shower, my dog puked up ALL of his breakfast. Roomba attempted to do his duties, but he was not equipped for this mission... from r/Wellthatsucks

9. 披薩中的經典。

Trying to cook pizza from r/Wellthatsucks

10. 如果這是一天的開始,我還是直接回去睡覺吧!

“The light in my life has gone out” from r/Wellthatsucks

11. 我把這個玩具保存了20多年,在我送給女兒的那一天,她就把它弄壞了。

I held onto this toy for over 20 years, Daughter breaks it the day I give it to her from r/Wellthatsucks

12. 即使沒有雨傘,也是很糟糕的一天。

Ok, thats not how it works I guess... from r/Wellthatsucks


縮圖:© Reddit/Kdial2002


Bright Side

縮圖: © Reddit/Kdial2002

