


1. 沒墨水了。

"Printer has run out of ink."

2. 這隻蜥蜴的再生長尾巴與身體的其他部分具有不同的顏色模式。

A lizard that i found today had a tail (that i assume it regrew) with a different pattern and colour than the rest of its body. from r/mildlyinteresting

3. 這隻剛脫殼出來的蟬翅膀可以與仙女翅膀相互競爭。

Iridescent newly molted Cicada from r/pics

4. 在光線下,這顆石頭會發光。

This radiant Sodalite mineral rock. Tenebrescence is the ability of minerals to change color when exposed to light.

5. 兩色虹膜-也稱為虹膜異色症。

My friend's iris is split in half

6. 我的鬍鬚幾乎正好一半是白色,一半是棕色。

7. 在紐西蘭的懷托摩洞穴中,洞穴的天花板像神奇的星空一樣閃閃發光。神奇的光的來源是蘑菇蚊子幼蟲,藉以這種方式吸引了牠們的獵物。

Hidden depths

8. 你不會每天都看到有斑點的松鼠。

Spotted a squirrel with unusual coloring! from r/mildlyinteresting

9. 這個陰影,完美的呈現出對稱。

This shadow that perfectly lined up with the light pole from r/mildlyinteresting

10. 手中有一小片天空。

A piece of the sky in your hand from r/aww

11. 這隻無辜的狗狗,真的沒有辜負牠的名字:土匪。

I dont think I've ever met a dog that deserved to be called Bandit as much as this good boy. from r/aww

12. 一對不平等的兄妹。

13. 外表是一塊不起眼的石頭,裡面是一塊閃閃發光的蛋白石。

Stunning opal reveal

14. 這種白化龍蝦是加拿大的漁民發現的,名為“幸運”。

15. 不僅動物和人類,植物也有可能患有白化病。

One of my pepper seedlings is albino from r/mildlyinteresting

16. 一隻有斑點的眼睛。

The freckles in my eyes. from r/mildlyinteresting

17. 白化症的相反-黑化病。與這隻狐狸一樣,擁有不尋常的黑色。

My fox caught on fire last night from r/misleadingthumbnails

18. 垃圾桶也是可以是彩虹的盡頭。

This rainbow coming out of our dumpster. from r/mildlyinteresting

19. 行走的森林:這些五顏六色的昆蟲被稱為“遊走的葉子”。 

I love it when the leaves change color.

20. 一個“鬣蜥調色板”-大自然可以是如此的豐富多彩。

🔥 These multi-colored iguanas look like a starter pack of baby monsters 🔥 from r/NatureIsFuckingLit


照片來源: © Imgur/OctopussSevenTwo © Reddit/lijoar97



Vorschaubilder: © Imgur/OctopussSevenTwo © Reddit/lijoar97

