
幾乎每對情侣或夫婦,總有一天會有關始他們第一次的吵架。但吵架也有吵架的好處,因為這樣的壓力測試,顯然正是兩人關係真正的基礎。 因此,最重要的問題不一定是如何避免爭吵,而是如何處理爭吵。


1. 昨晚聽到我男朋友在浴室裡咯咯的笑聲。今天早上我看到了原因:除塵滾筒衛生紙。

Heard my boyfriend giggling to himself in the bathroom last night, woke up to this. That, my friends, is a lint roller refill. from r/funny

2. 「我們將在充氣城堡裡結婚」她說。

“Let’s get married in a bounce house!” she said. from r/pics

3. 我不想養貓,但我的太太想要養。我們討論之後,養了一隻貓,這是最好的折衷方法!

I didnt want a cat but my wife did. So we compromised and got a cat. Best. Compromise. Ever. from r/aww

4. 每天晚上,我太太起床為兒子餵母乳時,她也會要求有點心:凌晨3點的花生醬蘋果。

Every night my wife wakes up to breastfeed my son, she asks for the same delicacy. Behold, Peanut Butter Apple a la 3:00 AM from r/shittyfoodporn

5. 我太太希望今年聖誕禮物是珠寶。希望這可以滿足她。


6. 我的太太想稍微調整一下我們的婚禮照片的位置,即使約翰屈伏塔在場也一樣!

Wife asked me to work on the wedding footage from r/gifs

7. 當我發射火箭時,我太太拍下了最令人討厭的拍照。

My wife managed to capture the least manly shot of me launching fireworks from r/pics

8. 當男朋友只有一點陪女朋友,但有時間玩Photoshop時...

Took this photo of my girlfriend and our cat tonight... from r/funny

9. 我讓男朋友戴著我的假髮,獨自站在那裡十分鐘。

Left my boyfriend unattended with my clip in extensions for 10 minutes... from r/funny

10. 為了讓我的太太和女兒們笑著合照,我跟他們說了個笑話。

I needed my wife and daughters to smile during a photo shoot, so I told a dad joke. from r/funny

11. 愛是在最糟的時刻拍下照片 — 我太太正用她跑百米的速度,試著跑出鏡頭外時。

Funny picture of my wife running to get out of baby picture. from r/pics

12. 我太太給了我一本鮑伯魯斯的書,書名是 "快樂的小意外",裡面還夾著一張照片…

My wife gave me this Bob Ross book. This photo was inside.. .. from r/funny

13. 第一次約會時,我開玩笑地告訴我男朋友,在侏羅紀公園裡我最喜歡的一幕是傑夫·高布倫(Jeff Goldblum)敞開襯衫坐在那兒。我說我太喜歡那個姿勢了,所以我想畫一幅畫。四個月之後我生日,他送了我這幅畫。

On our first date, I jokingly told my boyfriend I loved Jeff Goldblum’s half-shirtless scene in Jurassic Park so much, I wished I had a giant painting of it. Four months later on my birthday, he gave me this painting. from r/MadeMeSmile

14. 我們的婚禮上的照片 v.s. 當我太太見到她最喜歡的演員羅伯勞的照片

My wife’s face on our wedding day compared to when she met Rob... from r/pics

15. 我真幫助他找到了Dee。(男子T恤上寫著:如果遺失了,請將我還給Dee。女子T恤上寫著:我是Dee。)


16. 我討厭Instagram,我要吃飯。

I hate Instagram, let me eat.


縮圖: © Imgur via Reddit



縮圖: © Imgur via Reddit

