
當孩子們第一次在鏡子裡看到自己時,他們的眼睛會睜得大大的。可能得花上一些時間,才能了解鏡子中的人是自己,而不是其他人。但在動物世界中,識別鏡中自己的能力,被解釋為高智商的表現。例如:猴子、海豚和大象,都通過了所謂的 “鏡子測試”。但是其他動物又是如何呢?


1. 我的狗狗喜歡像貓一樣爬到椅背上,凝視著鏡中的自己。

My dog loves to get up on the back of the couch like a cat and stare at himself in the mirror. Weirdo.

2. 捕捉到我的貓在鏡子裡看著自己的鏡頭,看起來像文藝復興時期的畫作。

I caught my cat staring at himself in the mirror looking like a renaissance painting. from r/cats

3. 嘿,你的圍巾和我的一樣別緻!

Many years ago, when my old dog was a puppy, she discovered herself in the mirror for the first time

4. 牠洗澡時總是這樣做:用腳撐住站在洗手擡前,看著鏡子裡的自己。

Happens after ever bath she gets. She goes to the sink, stands up, paws down, and looks at herself in the mirror. from r/pics

5. 一見鐘情

Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the prettiest fox of them all? from r/aww

6. 不同的角度一起來

The importance of a selfie angle from r/aww

7. 我看起來真的像這樣嗎?

8. 看什麼看?想找麻煩嗎?

Baby otter looking at the mirror from r/AnimalsBeingDerps

9. 然後牠舔了鏡子,因為鏡子裡面的小狗看起來很友善。

Then she licked the mirror because it seemed like there was a nice dog in it :)

10. 早上照鏡子看起來很恐怖

11. 我們是彼此相愛的!

Find someone who looks at you the way my cat looks at himself in the mirror from r/aww

12. 什麼?好多白髮!

My chinchilla saw himself for the first time in the mirror today from r/aww

13. 我這樣出去可以嗎?

"I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh darnit, people like me" from r/aww

14. 化妝鏡是通往平行世界的大門

My cat thinks my makeup mirror is mesmerizing from r/aww

15. 我的兔子每天都站在鏡子前發呆

My rabbit does this every day. Not sure what he's thinking about… from r/aww

16. 別再模仿我了!

Owl sees himself in the mirror from r/youseeingthisshit

17. 我看得到你!

18. 很高興見到你!

Looking in the Mirror from r/aww

19. 哦!我明天要開始運動了!

When you look in the mirror and realize you're just a fat load.

20. 我的狗狗第一次看到鏡子裡的自己。牠想把球推向 “另一隻狗”,但一直無法成功...

My dog has discovered her first mirror. She keeps rolling her ball to the "other dog" and whining because she wants to play from r/aww



縮圖: © Imgur/whoopsie © Imgur/MrBanana6261

